Gyms and Fitness Clubs

I'm Not Motivated to Exercise - Introduction


All right, let's get real here. How do people get motivated to work out? We're talking sweat, burning muscles, post-workout soreness and heavy breathing to name a few of the more unpleasant side effects of exercise. This not so wonderful description is the reason why very few people can truly say they are motivated to exercise. Sure, there are a few individuals out there that thrive on feeling the pain and subject themselves to it day after day and week after week. But what about the majority of people? Which category do you fall in?

When it comes to not exercising on a regular basis, I see two types of people. The first are those who aren't motivated and don't feel the need to get involved. This makes up about one fifth of the population. These are the people who are completely sedentary. They have absolutely no desire to exercise now or anytime in the future. They don't see it as important and probably never will.

The second type are those who have made the effort to start an exercise program, but couldn't keep it going. They quit due to lack of results, boredom or lack of interest or enjoyment. According to John McCarthy of the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, 50% of people who start an exercise program at a health club quit within six months of joining. Of the 50% who quit, 70% of them do so because they lose motivation.

Do you fall into one of these categories? If you do, don't feel bad-you are in the majority. However, in this case you don't want to be a part of the majority. Being a part of it isn't going to improve the quality of your life. You need to consider your position and be openminded to what I am about to tell you so that motivation, or lack thereof, is no longer a barrier to exercise for you.