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Fitness One Day at a Time
Chapter 7: I'm Not Motivated to Exercise
Chapter 7: I'm Not Motivated to Exercise
I'm Not Motivated to Exercise - Introduction
How Are You Motivated?
Lasting Motivation
External Motivators to Get You Jump-Started
The Power of Encouragement: Preface
The Power of Encouragement: 1. Positive relationships
The Power of Encouragement: 2. Find a mentor
The Power of Encouragement: 3. Find a group of people to hang with
Finding a Vision
The Power to Keep You Going
Find Motivation Through Goal Setting
Mapping Your Way to Motivation
Defining your goals: Preface
Defining your goals: 1. Be sure to put your goal in writing
Defining your goals: 2. Each goal has to be specific
Defining your goals: 3. Make the goals achievable
Defining your goals: 4. Set measurable goals
Defining your goals: 5. Put a time frame on your goal
Take Action
Be Prepared for Change
Celebrate Your Success
Are You Following the Steps?