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Fitness Resources
Fitness One Day at a Time
Chapter 3: I Don't Know Where to Exercise
Chapter 3: I Don't Know Where to Exercise
I Don't Know Where to Exercise: Introduction
Purchasing a Home Gym: Preface
Purchasing a Home Gym: 1. What are your needs?
Purchasing a Home Gym: 2. How much can you spend?
Purchasing a Home Gym: 3. Where will the equipment go?
Purchasing a Home Gym: 4. What are the product features?
Joining a Health Club: Preface
Joining a Health Club: 1. Personal preparation before joining
Joining a Health Club: 2. What to look for
Joining a Health Club: 3. Making the best use of the club
Understanding a Membership Contract
Final Words on Joining a Health Club
Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?: Preface
Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?: 1. Technical knowledge and certification
Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?: 2. Educational background
Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?: 3. Experience
Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?: 4. Communication skills and a talkative nature
Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?: 5. Creativity
Begin by Getting Started